目前分類:圖片-阿呆的相關雜誌/寫真 (781)
- Oct 14 Wed 2015 09:21
[圖片]주지훈~朱智勳「ONE」 magazine 9月份 雜誌寫真~掃描版 07
- Oct 13 Tue 2015 09:10
[圖片]주지훈~朱智勳「ONE」 magazine 9月份 雜誌寫真~掃描版 06
- Oct 11 Sun 2015 10:22
[圖片]주지훈~雜誌「ARENA HOMME+ 2015年10月号」朱智勳寫真 07
- Oct 10 Sat 2015 11:54
[圖片]주지훈~朱智勳「ONE」 magazine 9月份 雜誌寫真~掃描版 05
- Oct 09 Fri 2015 18:17
[圖片]주지훈~朱智勳「ONE」 magazine 9月份 雜誌寫真~掃描版 04
scan by Amy
- Oct 08 Thu 2015 19:06
[圖片]주지훈~雜誌「ARENA HOMME+ 2015年10月号」朱智勳寫真 06
- Oct 08 Thu 2015 09:26
[圖片]주지훈~朱智勳「ONE」 magazine 9月份 雜誌寫真~掃描版 03
- Oct 07 Wed 2015 09:35
[圖片]주지훈~朱智勳「ONE」 magazine 9月份 雜誌寫真~掃描版 02
- Oct 06 Tue 2015 20:49
[圖文]주지훈~朱智勳「ONE」 magazine 9月份 文字訪談內容(中英文) PART 2
訪談內容包含了中文, 英文, 韓文 三種語言
Jujihoon: 因為反正也回不去了, 所以沒有遺憾的。
Jujihoon: 我的演技沒有定式,屬於比較即興的類型。 據我所知, 姐姐和我的演技類型並不一樣,但即便如此,她也很好地配合和幫助我,對此我很感激。
Jujihoon: 以前是非要看內容大綱來選的,但最近會對角色進行考究然後結合劇本來選擇。 以前完全沒有這種想法的, 可能是年紀大了。
Jujihoon: 池昌旭,朴信惠。 因為以前就認識信惠,所以覺得一起合作應該很有趣。 昌旭有讓人覺得很放鬆的魅力,同時又有可愛的一面。 想要和他一起演能體現這種真實魅力的作品。
Jujihoon: 很喜歡樂隊的聲音,吉他聲好聽到讓人起雞皮疙瘩。 因為一直出演作品沒有時間學習更多,很遺憾。
Jujihoon: 我很喜歡李安導演和張藝謀導演。 尤其是張藝謀導演的早期作品,看完給我非常多的感觸。
---“Mask” came to an end. Do you regret anything?
Jujihoon: It’s not like we can go back so there’s not regret.
---How was it to act alongside Soo Ae?
Jujihoon: My acting is not that accurate, I put a lot of adlibs into it . From what I know, hers is pretty different. But she accepted my well so I am very thankful.
---Do you have standards to choose your jobs?
Jujihoon: I used to only look at scenarios. Nowadays, I try to imagine if the character can come to life when I consider an offer. I never thought of that before. I think I am getting older.
---Is there an actor or actress with whom you'd like to film one day?
Jujihoon: Ji Chang Wook and Park Shin Hye。 I am close with Shin Hye so I guess it would be fun to work together。 As for Chang Wook, he's as wild as cute. I'd like to work on something genuine through which he could express this aspect of his personality。
---You have a lot of interest in music。 You take part to OSTs and even have a band.
Jujihoon: I like being in a band。 The guitar is an instrument that gives me goosebumps。 I am very sad that I don't have much time to learn more. I have too much work to do already.
---If you were given the chance to debut on the Chinese market, whom would you like to film with?
Jujihoon: I love An Lee and Zhang Yimou. I was deeply moved by Zhang's first movies.
- Oct 06 Tue 2015 19:48
[圖片]주지훈~日雜-韓國TV 電視劇 vol.69 朱智勳寫真~by rino212208
- Oct 06 Tue 2015 18:18
[圖片]주지훈~朱智勳「ONE」 magazine 9月份 雜誌寫真~掃描版 01
- Oct 06 Tue 2015 10:17
[圖文]주지훈~朱智勳「ONE」 magazine 9月份 文字訪談內容(中英文) PART 1
訪談內容包含了中文, 英文, 韓文 三種語言
Joo Ji Hoon Is a specialy actor
朱智勳是一名很特別的演員。美國已故名演員菲利普.塞默.霍夫曼曾稱讚約瑟夫.高登-萊維特是 “用演技展現價值和真實性的優秀演員” ,他將充滿真摯性演技的難度融在了對後輩演員的稱讚裡。 在韓國,能與約瑟夫抗衡的演員便是朱智勳了。 他不侷限于題材和角色,用其他演員很難做到的真實個性,打造出屬于他特有的形象。 在不久前完結的電視劇《假面》中,他的演技也令人嘖嘖稱讚。 他用細膩的演技展現了 “崔珉宇” 悟出人生價值的過程,甜美的嗓音令無數女觀眾沉醉。 在一部又一部的作品中,朱智勳的真實形象被融入夢幻的故事裡, 他的眼神也愈加濃烈。
Late Philip Seymour Hoffman once said of Joseph Gordon-Levitt that he is an”amazing actor who is able to act values and veracity. “That was a compliment pronouneed toward his junior for being able to play the difficult worth of honesty. There is someone in Korea who could stand against Gordon-Levitt thanks to is strong personality , it’s Joo Ji Hoon. Joo is an actor who creates ingenious characters through unique, genuine charm regardless of the genre or the role he’s given – and that’s something hard to find in the industry. In recently ended-and successful-series’Mask’, the star shone through his acting again. He delicarely expressed the process of discovering life’s value that his character, the soft and shy Choi Min Woo, went through. But the actor also melted women’s heart with his sweet voice. His variety of characters even guards the chore of fantastic stories. We fell for his gaze through the camera.
scan by Amy
- Oct 06 Tue 2015 09:39
[圖片]주지훈~雜誌「ARENA HOMME+ 2015年10月号」朱智勳寫真 05
- Oct 03 Sat 2015 13:54
[圖片]주지훈~朱智勳「ONE」 magazine 9月份 雜誌 到手認證照~^^
#分享Instagram #주지훈#チュジフン#朱智勳#朱智勋#Jujihoon #ONE매거진 #onemagazine #9월호 #아수라 #阿修羅 #베트남 #vietnam #다낭 #danang @_jujihoon @one_bntworld ✌✌✌
雖然這幾個月我人品大爆發,參加有關朱先生相關活動都會被抽中,但我真的不期望one magazine真的會將雜誌寄到海外。。。沒想到不但寄了還是by EMS..雖說10/1 才寄出,但我已經心滿意足了。。感謝呀!!!💕💕💕
PS.雜誌很大本 size:36.50x25.50cm❤
- Oct 02 Fri 2015 21:16
[圖片]주지훈~朱智勳 日雜 haru*hana Oct. & Nov. vol.032 未公開寫真
- Oct 01 Thu 2015 08:48
[圖片]주지훈~雜誌「ARENA HOMME+ 2015年10月号」朱智勳寫真 04
- Sep 29 Tue 2015 12:56
[圖片]주지훈~雜誌「ARENA HOMME+ 2015年10月号」朱智勳寫真 03
- Sep 28 Mon 2015 18:07
[圖片]주지훈~雜誌「ARENA HOMME+ 2015年10月号」朱智勳寫真 02
- Sep 28 Mon 2015 08:54
[圖片]주지훈~雜誌「ARENA HOMME+ 2015年10月号」朱智勳寫真 01
- Sep 26 Sat 2015 01:09
[圖片]주지훈~朱智勳 日雜 haru*hana Oct. & Nov. vol.032~04