- Mar 31 Mon 2014 12:26
[圖片] 電影《好朋友們》拍攝花絮~浦項/釜山
- Mar 30 Sun 2014 13:32
source from http://blog.naver.com/incscada?Redirect=Log&logNo=40209247340
만덕5지구의 주된 촬영장소는 보성세탁소입니다. 영화 속에서 보성세탁소는 주인공의 부모가 운영했던 세탁소이자 주인공이 음료 도매창고로 사용하는 곳으로 전체 촬영 분량의 15%를 차지할 만큼 중요한 장소입니다. 서로 속고 속이는 상황에서도 우정만은 지키고픈 부산사나이들의 진한 향기를 담아내는 공간이기도 합니다.
- Mar 30 Sun 2014 12:31
[英譯/視頻]주지훈~「ALL OF ME DVD」DISC 2- My Friends~02
英譯: 來自DVD 上的翻譯~
Shall we do MON NOM?
JJH:Can’t we eat first?
I’m hungry…. (完全吃貨一枚….呵呵呵)
T: Alright.
JJH: I want jajangmyeon. ( 炸醬麵….太好笑了..直翻)
Alright, let’s have that today.
JJH: Wait , uh?
You want a set?
T:Let’s have a set.
With sweet and sour pork.
JJH: Sweet and souor pork, and two noodles.
Hello? You have a sweet and sour pork and noodles set right?
Yes, I would like that.
Well, let’s practice until it arrives…
JJH:Let’s practice.
This is MON NOM…MON NOM, the first tite of Don Juan. (音樂劇唐璜的其中一曲目)
It made me suffer so much…
I lost 6 kg while singing this song, seriously I did.
I didn’t even work out.
MON NOM makes me…get filled with emotions…
T: My name is !
JJH: My name is..
T: Yes,
My name is heavy burden!
JJH: What was hard is that, Don juan is a show
Which the license comes from overseas.
That means there will be foreign staffs.
Language and other stuffs are different.
But the license has to follow the original show.
Actually what was hard is.
Other licenses must be the same too.
They won’t listen even when the Korean actors or staffs appeal.
Don juan was a three casting.
Three casting means there are three people.
Then their characterisitics and their acting styles will be different.
But they keep standardizing the actors.
The part just now, darararara is done by Wen himself.
주지훈~「Don Juan」~ju juan_Mon nom
- Mar 29 Sat 2014 21:22
[視頻]주지훈~電影[廚房]Collector Box 日版珍藏版DVD MAKING 03
- Mar 29 Sat 2014 20:10
[圖片]주지훈~電影[廚房]Collector Box 日版珍藏DVD 07