주태공~Many Thanks

謝謝朱花peipei 的分享


共 200P

scan by amy

in Paris



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謝謝朱花peipei 的分享


共 200P

scan by amy

in Bali



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太后 AMY 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


英譯: 來自DVD 上的翻譯~




Baek Nyun Korea Traditional House





   When did you become so slim? (誰跟你一樣變胖了..斜眼..)

   You gave birth to puppies.


OMA:How about spring, summer, autumn, and winter?


JJH:Duk Hwan! (叫德煥感覺跟叫狗一樣....(), 該不會他真的把一隻狗取名叫德煥?)

    Look at her !


    I don’t smell like your mother right ?


OMA: It’s black.


JJH:It has spots.

    Oh my.


RDH:Is the smoke okay?   


OMO:Yes, It’s alright.   

         Bom does’t let other people touch her puppies

         But she lets Ji Hoon touch them.

         She won’t let other people touch them.


JJH:You can smell meat right?

    She opened her eyes.

    I’m your brother.


    Do you know the furnace?

    If you lit up fire here,

    The room gets warm.

    The good thing about furnace is you can cook sweet potato…

    Give me some silver paper.

    You wrap it up in silver paper.

    You wrap it roughly,

    And put in one by one.

    I will make many since there are many people.


    If I didn’t become an actor..

    I don’t know what I’d have done if I didn’t become an actor,

    But if I quit being an actor now,     

    I will become a carpenter or a cook.

    My grandfather was a carpenter.

    It’d be faster to put them there instead of the furnace.

    The furnace is full

    Did you set the fire there?


A:Yes, You can put it in


JJH:It looks delicious right ?


    It’s really delicious.


OMA:Food is more delicious when there is sincerity and not ingredients. 


A:Yes, that’s right.


OMA:So I cook a lot even when I am out of seasonings,

     And it’s delicious because of my sincerity.

     The taste of food isn’t related with seasonings.

     I also told the person who writes the script just now,

     But food tastes more delicious in poor houses.

     Poor house food tastes delicious.

     That is because the mother has to make food for her son’s friends

     when there’s not much ingredients.

     The good can be delicious because of the mother’s sincerity.



Q:Her sincerity cooks the good.


OMA:She can’t help but be sincere because she is short of ingredients.

     There’s not much ingredient to cook with.


JJH:Look at my shoes.


Q:Ji Hoon.


JJH: Yes.


Q:Come to your room.


JJH: Okay, I’ll be right there.

    Ah, it makes me cry until now…


Q:Where are you going?


RDH: We are…

    We are going to the secret room.


JJH:There is my room which my mother made for me.

    It’s nice. Ah it’s warm.


OMA: You have to sleep if you come here.


A: Ah, it’s good.


JJH: It looks cosy right?

    I can’t help but lie down.

JJH:Ah, it’s good.


OMA: He fell asleep.


RDH: He’s asleep.

     He wielded the axe so much…


OMA:Yes, since morning…


JJH:Must you throw the first water when you brew tea?


OMA: The first water…


JJH: Because it’s bitter?


OMA:It’s not because it’s bitter.

     Dust might have done inside the tea.

     If you use hot water for tea, it smells fishy.


JJH: These woods were not chopped.

    As far as I know, they sometimes log.

    And if there’s some piled up trees,

    We use them.

    They are thrown woods.


    I can’t do it.


Q: You are too timid now.   


JJH : Why I’m afraid is because…

         No. it’s

        This is splited.

        What I’m trying to say is, it can fly over there

        Because of blade gets unattached.

        I am worried that someone might get hurt.

        No one knows where it will fly to.


Q: The cameras are focused.


JJH:That won’t split.


Q: Never mind, I will edit it.

  You can stop now.


JJH:I will split this.


Q: Look

    You can’t do it.

    Let’s go down.

    We will stop him now.

    Hey, stop him.

    Put this away.

    Wait a moment.


JJH: He’s provoking me.


Q:You should just stand there.

   Ah, come on.  


JJH: It’s almost splited.

    Did you see me split this?


Q:Ah, I’m sorry, I missed it.


JJH: It’s really done well.


Q: The color is nice.


JJH:It’s really no joke right?


Q:It’s great.


JJH:Can you see?




JJH: Eat this.

        I will give it to you . 

        I won’t give you

        If the camera isn’t here.

        Eat this.


Q:Oh it’s good.


 JJH: Bom! I’m going.


OMA:Bom, You will be on TV.


JJH: Bom! I’m going.

    I found something funny while trying to say bye.

    I bought some beer on 1st of January….

    And I told you that you can put meat in the ice right?

    I left this on 1st of January.


OMA:Did you leave it here?


JJH: Yes, I found it now. Natural refrigerator.

JJH:Wow, it must be really nice.


Q:It’s empty.


JJH:It was an empty one.

    I’m sorry.


OMA:Isn’t it that one?


JJH:Yes, that’s the one.

    We left it there.

    We left many beers here.

    Then it becomes beer slush.


Q:Look here.


OMA: Take the picture nicely. Make me look beautiful.























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source from@演員董晨辰
今天來導演@李維劼公司作客, 劼哥導演,出品的最新電影<<心咒>> 即將於四月在各大影院上映主演韓國歐巴#朱智勳# 我已看過導演剪輯版,電影真不錯,畫面唯美,劇情環環相扣,喜歡韓星和懸疑推理的朋友們請多多支持喔〜






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