- Mar 05 Wed 2014 16:19
[圖片]주지훈~朱智勳 PLAYS「蒼のピアニスト」MAKING DVD 截圖
- Mar 05 Wed 2014 15:58
[GIF]주지훈~朱智勳 PLAYS「蒼のピアニスト」MAKING DVD
- Mar 05 Wed 2014 09:37
[圖片]주지훈~LANDMARK-PLAY 08
謝謝朱花peipei 的分享
共 200P
scan by amy
in Bali
- Mar 05 Wed 2014 08:36
[英譯/視頻]주지훈~「ALL OF ME DVD」DISC 1-My Place~10 with 柳德煥
英譯: 來自DVD 上的翻譯~
Baek Nyun Korea Traditional House
RDH:She’s been waiting.
JJH: Happy new year.
Hello, this is Baek Nyun traditional house.
She is…
OMA:The mother of Baek Nyun house.
JJH:She’s our mother.
I don’t know how to introduce this place.
If you come here,you will know there’s nothing to introduce.
We come here and drink warm tea, and eat food.
OMA: Ji Hoon was my son in my previous life.
JJH: I guess so.
JJH:A master of setting fire..
I am good in setting fire.
RDH: No way.
JJH:When I came here on 1st of January, this fire caught my attention,
And I set up fire from 4pm to 4am, sitting here alone.
And kept looking at the fire.
Can you see?
A:The color…
JJH:We didn’t put in anything we just seasoned it with salt.
Try one. (餵攝影師)
It’s enough if we just have rice.
There’s a dog called “Bom”.
She gave birth to four puppies.
I’ll show them later.
I really want to see them now.
It’s really delicious.
RDH:We didn’t do any other seasoning .
OMA:Did you use only salt?
JJH:Yes, I only used salt.
Just salt.
Q:How often do you come?
JJH:It’s quite far, and we can’t come often.
But we come once a month.
Sometimes twice a month.
I come usually during day.
But sometimes, I come at night when I feel gloomy.
I’ll show you later.
I have my own room.
Mother made my room for me.
I drink tea in my room and think.
I can’t sleep well because I have insomnia.
But I sleep really well if I come here.
Q:Did you prepare some soup?
OMA: Huh?
Q: Is it soup?
OMA:It’s hard-boiled radish, bean paste soup and outer leaves.
Ji Hoon likes them.
Q: What does Ji Hoon like?
OMA: Ji Hoon?
When Ji Hoon comes here,
He likes this bean-paste soup,
And there’s some old kimchi that I fry like herbs.
The kitchen is so dirty….
He likes this.
Q:Is this bean-paste soup?
OMA: This is bean paste outer leaves soup.
He likes outer leaves soup.
JJH:You have to eat this.
Let’s go and eat.
This kimchi and the herbs here
Were all digged up by my mother.
She just digs out what grows on mountains.
Water kimchi…
This is bean-paste soup.
It’s different with normal bean-paste soup.
OMA:This is what Ji Hoon likes the most.
JJH:I don’t know how she made it.
but it’s really delicious.
It really tastes different.
And it’s roasted potato and radish.
RDH: There’s the old kimchi.
JJH:Mother, please give us some soybean paste.
Thank you .
It’s really delicious.
OMA:The kimchi that was underground doesn’t taste nice when it’s cut.
You have to use your hands.
JJH:You musn’t use a knife to cut kimchi that is buried underground.
OMA: And when you eat seaweed… put it some kimchi.
Then it will be delicious. Put some soy sauce too.
Try it like this.
It’s nice right ?
JJH: Yes.
OMA:If you don’t use oil.
And eat sloke, and seasoned seaweed,
It is better than eating kimchi with soy sauce.
If you put in some sesame oil,
The seaweed doesn’t taste nice.
And the meat goes well with cabbage better than lettuce
So people eat cabbage.
Like bossam when they eat pork.
It goes well together.
I cultivate chili and other things.
Durig spring and summer.
I’ve also cultivated this kimchi and cabbage.
But in summer.
I dig up right from the farm
I ask Ji Hoon to pluck some chili.
- Mar 04 Tue 2014 23:24
[圖片] 주지훈~《結婚前夜》拍攝花絮寫真
SOURCE FROM instagram/nis0424