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【可樂電影】戀夏時刻 日韓巨星映畫祭SSII 07.11-07.25大銀幕華麗獻映
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戀夏時刻 日韓巨星映畫祭SSII 夏戀專題。約會首選(全台首映)
婚禮行不行!? Marriage Blue
2014│DCP│彩色│118 分│
洪智英Hong Ji-Young《傻瓜》《愛上蛋白質女孩》《綁架愛情一百天》
玉澤演TaecYeon 2PM人氣偶像《我們結婚了》
李妍熙Lee Yeon-Hee《幽靈》《天堂牧場》
朱智勳Ju Ji-Hoon《宮:野蠻王妃》《西洋古董洋果子店》
金康宇Kim Kang-Woo《食客》《實尾島風雲》《王牌巨猩》
馬東錫Ma Dong-Seok《跨樂心天堂》《玩物》《與犯罪的戰爭》《痛症》《人類滅亡報告書》
▒ 劇情介紹 ▒
四對情侶在結婚前夕紛紛出現婚前憂鬱症!棒球國手泰奎和女醫生珠英分手12年後舊情 復燃決定結婚,誰知就在婚禮前夕他們發現彼此隱藏的秘密;步入中年的光棍建浩遇到來自烏克蘭的大美女Vika,一段宅男配辣妹的異國戀曲就此展開;千金大 小姐伊拉和媽寶大福熱戀沖昏頭決定閃婚,緊接而來的果然就是兩家人的大吵大鬧;明星大廚原哲(玉澤演 飾)和女演員素美(李妍熙 飾)戀愛長跑七年,結婚前被迫先陪老爸參加老人旅行團的素美,因為這趟不甘願的旅程而意外結識了慶洙,相見恨晚的兩人產生了曖昧情愫,進而讓原哲與素美的 關係岌岌可危…
"Marriage Blue" follows four couples as they prepare for their weddings: Tae-Kyu (Kim Kang-Woo) and His girlfriend Joo-Young (Kim Hyo-Jin) run a successful business and seem to have a happy life. However, before they are set to get married, Tae-Kyu surprisingly learns that Joo-Young is a divorcee. So-Mi (Lee Yeon-Hee) and her fiancé Won-Cheol (TaecYeon) have been together for 7 years. But just when their wedding date is fast approaching, So-Mi finds herself having a mind stirring toward a writer she met in her business travel. Gun-Ho (Ma Dong-Seok) is about to marry Vika (Guzal Tursunova) while suddenly he is afflicted by impotency. Dae-Bok (Lee Hee-Joon) and Yi-Ra (Koh Joon-Hee) have been dating for a while and one day they find out that Yi-Ra is pregnant.