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拍攝地:釜山外國語大學 (南區戡蠻洞)


人員組成:女性 3名




#주지훈 #チュジフン #朱智勳 #Jujihoon ##TheNakedKitchen #廚房 #키친 #DooRae #多瑞 #박두레 #2009 #Korea #Movie #韓國版Making 





如何才能符合劇中擁有自由靈魂的Doo Ran..~^^


Skin Tone Test: Time before the actual shooting
where the actors gather to check skin conditions,
shade and hairstyle, in order to flt their character
the actors come to this meeting without any makeup on 
What about DooRe (Ju Ji Hoon)'s hairstyle?
The do Ji Hoon has right now should fit nicely, no?
Let's keep the length right now and use hair care products. 
Don't use too much care products but since the do right now is a trim after a perm 
so if we perm again, we would have some curls without additional touches.
But the style is just a trim without any specific do I did a little styling but...
I guess we do have to perm to keep that style.
Not too strong, just little curls. 
and he's going to be wearing headware most of the time.
-Hats... What kind of hats?
-Aren't you going to be wearing them?
Do you mean like, those chef hats?
No, not those. 
-Like, casually. 
Jujihoon : casually?
-Not hats, but more like....
Jujihoon: Beanies?
I'll do some styling for you in the next fitting.


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    太后 AMY


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