주태공~Many Thanks

Medical Top Team ♂ HanSeo ♀ To you everyday LOVE ♥

~BY KitKat Kt

之前就有貼過這位的MV ...剛發現他又有做全集有關韓韓和徐的片段




太后 AMY 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

結婚前夜~マリッジブルー~ナビゲートDVD -Would you marry me?-


source from myamyaの部屋 ....MANY THANKS 

花絮是大愛.. 不過動的會更好看..所以心動不如馬上行動, 快去買DVD 呦~^^



太后 AMY 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


近日新锐导 演李维劼执导的日式心理悬疑大片《心咒》亮相第4届北京国际电影节。对于《心咒》作为新片参展业内人士及现场影迷反响强烈,纷纷表示对最恐怖心理悬疑大片 非常期待《心咒》是一部由韩国明星朱智勋、台湾偶像天后徐洁儿领衔主演,中韩联袂打造的日式心理悬疑大片。将于5月23日全亚洲同步公映。

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英譯: 來自DVD 上的翻譯~


Film company, Soo film


JJH: Isn’t it great?

My face is on two posters at a film company.

I feel great.


MGD:There are two awkward posters.


JJH:Didn’t you say you were shooting at winter?


MGD: Yes, I should., but the casting isn’t over yet.


JJH: It’s a part I should have done if I didn’t go to the army.


Q:Beating the drum well?


JJH: No.

Not at all.

It’s my personal opinion, but I should have…

Look around here and there….meet some friends…

Is your back okay? You look good.


MGD: I’m healthy when I don’t make movies.


JJH: You really look much healthier.


MGD: Really? Movie makes me suffer. I can’t even sleep.


JJH: I have to work out, but my back hurts…

And that makes me gain more weight…

But I’ll lose weight in army.


MGD: People gain weight in army.

They eat regularly, and work out a lot.


JJH: I have to eat regularly and also drink alcohol.


MGD: I go to the borough office regularly.

You could control it then.

You can skip meals.


JJH: Well for one month…


MGD:That one month will be hard.

In our documentary, they make the soldiers spend the winter

with the cloth that frozen soldiers wore.

And there are no doors at the barracks.

Many people catch cold…


JJH: Did you hear that?

Did you hear him say

He’s the person who talks about…

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry to express like this.

But he talks about tragedy with bright eyes, as if it’s nothing.

Ji Hoon, I might hurt your back.


MGD: It’s because I have some things more to tell you about army .


JJH: About what?


MGD: The aim is not training.

If their goal is to train soliders, they should wear shoes that fit,

Eat well and wash well.

But that’s not their goal.


JJH: Is it mental training?


MGD: They want the soldiers to experience severe things.


JJH: I think that my health will improve.

Because anyway, my life pattern will be regular.


MGD: It must have been a long time for him until becoming

an actor from a entertainer, and a model.

He’s going through a lot of change in a short time.

He experienced big things in each parts, and was once a top in that section…

So if he meditates, and ruminate well during his army period, and assimilate,

I think he will bloom into a great flower when the time for him to realize his desire comes.

As a director who took his first movie.

I feel attached, feel pity, and feel distress.

And want to do many things for him…

Whether we get to work together or not….

Whether we are far or close…

I am hoping sincerely that the 2years he has to spend in the army

Will help him to become someone who is generous and respectable.

Only then he can start again as a good actor.


JJH: Sir, I will stop by at your house one week before I go to the army .


MGD: Okay, alright.


JJH: Don’t you like it ?

I sould get going.


MGD: Okay.


JJH: Don’t come out, it’s cold…


MGD:Is there anything I can give?


JJH: It’s alright.


MGD:Maybe some post-it.


JJH: I will take that when I go to your house.

Sir, I’ll see you then..

I’ll call you .


MGD: Take care before you leave.


JJH: Okay.


I always feel happy when I meet director Min.

He has an ability of letting go of things that are not good.

And he is a good listener.

He’s not prestigious like some directors.

And he’s a director who I really love.

Today’s conversation with him was so happy.

I should go home and sleep.

See you again.



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感謝Pさん 禮物get_group_pic  

收到禮物的同時也感受到滿滿的愛....感動 7.gif  



BLOG主人回: 阿倫家就有感而發嘛~~~太感動了唄!!!ˇ3  


每一位不管是同語言的朱粉或是不同語言的朱粉, 都好有人情味.......10.gif  


我家小倫應該會很開心吧~^^1  11

(PS...吃完後只是覺得, 台灣人怎麼了???有需要這麼誇張嗎? 不過終於讓我嘗到了~^^ 開心)


再次謝謝這位日飯送來了滿滿的愛ImageProxy.mvc2  ImageProxy.mvc2ImageProxy.mvc2



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