주태공~Many Thanks

 SOURCE FROM  http://blog.naver.com/haru710

地点:兄弟岛餐厅(형제도식당)..... 謝謝走入迷宮~^^

地址:济州 西归浦  大静邑

中間橘框部份左邊是朱智勳, 右邊是李沇熹



太后 AMY 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 一直以來對於朱先生的訪談都是花癡顏而已, 也漸漸都習慣這種模式了

      除非有好心人翻譯, 才能一點一滴的慢慢了解朱阿呆的想法,

      說真的, 內心真的很渴望以後朱阿呆出的DVD也能有中譯(當然這是不可能的)

      求的不多, 只求有英文翻譯就好, 像ALL OF ME 就很貼心的有英文翻譯

      但GUYS ON TOP 就沒有此服務~><

      是說就算有英譯, 對於我這種英文不太好的人真的也是很累人

      看一段就相當忙, 忙花癡, 忙腦内激盪.......總歸一句話就是忙忙忙


      所以趁朱阿呆先生沒消息時, 把DVD 內的英譯打了出來,

      大家知道有翻譯器這東西吧^^ 哈哈哈







I’m in Samchung dong. (三清洞)

There are many traditional houses,

Pretty shops, and many restaurants,

You’ll like it if you come here.

There’s a palace right here,

It’s nice to look around.


There are more people here than before.

It’s quite crowded during weekends,

But strangely,

The streets are quiet even if there are many people,

Would you know what I mean?

People are crowded, but the street doesn’t move.

It’s a nice town .

Actually it’s far from my house.

I used to come here a lot when I rode a motorbike,

The street connected with Sung Buk dong is beautiful

And so I came here often on a motorbike.

And I’ve come here again.

There are small shops like this.

This place is nice too.


Do we call this white pebble?

You can only see these stones near the river.

There are old kennels too.

And the street I’m walking now is the back street of Samchung dong

There is the main street even in Japan, or Europe.

But that street isn’t long enough.

If you just try walking to streets like this,

There are nice places that are not on the main streets.

Side streets like this are really beautiful .

I used to live in a crowded place

So I like side streets better than the main road.

Streets like this make me feel happy.


If I have money and time,

I’d like to open a shop that are not big in the future.

I want to communicate with people

And deal with things that I personally like.

Or maybe a small bar…

My aim is not profit,

But there need to be profit

So I can keep running the place.

I have a dream to open a shop like that.

Just one block away from this place is the main street.

Since you’ll see that place a lot,

I came here on purpose.


It looks like a photo right ?

Please make this black and white

I want to see whether it’s like a photo.

Do you know what this is ?

Uriating on road prohibited.

Men and women are all prohibited.

There’s the stone wall.

Palace stone wall.............視頻畫面至03:47


 以前做的gif ~^^




視頻from 5050papi


太后 AMY 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()



結婚前夜(JJH PART)[00_16_05][20140218-100849-2]_副本結婚前夜(JJH PART)[00_16_06][20140218-100904-7]_副本       


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   SOURCE FROM instagram/nis0424

《結婚前夜》舞台問候時拿到朱先生親筆簽名的小說, 除了是狂粉也是幸運粉....羨慕



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SOURCE FROM http://blog.daum.net/hip200/8870969




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